
Cocktail Coffee with Amaretto

Disaronno Originale is just Amaretto, a liqueur from Italy. It tastes like almond but it doesn't made of almond. The producers says they mix apricot kernel, burnt sugar and essences of seven herbs to make this almond flavor.

Nespresso with disaronno velvet. In winter, have a creamy cocktail coffee.

Before 2001, Disaronno had an old name called "Amaretto di Soronno." Disaronno Originale is a new name just for marketing.

Amaretto is found in Irish Coffee and Tiramisu. Italians add Amaretto in coke, ginger ale or even juice. Or drink it on the rocks.

Disaronno Originale contains 28% alchohol. In my version, I used Disaronno Velvet (17%). It is less strong and has some cream.


  • Disaronno Originale Velvet 15ml
  • Nespresso Inspirazione * 1
  • Whipped Cream 50ml

The ingredient of amaretto Irish coffee are disaronno velvet, whipped cream and nespresso pod


How to Recycle your Nespresso Pods

Step 1 :

Whipped some cream

Step 2 : 

Add 15ml Disaronno Velvet into coffee

Top some whipped cream on the coffee. Done


How to Recycle your Nespresso Pods

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